Why is it that people who live in the city have such a different attitude to life than people who don't?
I mean I honestly cannot understand this. None of my cousins live in Brisbane or any other major city and they all seem to be a) better looking b) more calm or c) funnier than me.
I mean I honestly cannot understand this. None of my cousins live in Brisbane or any other major city and they all seem to be a) better looking b) more calm or c) funnier than me.
How does this logically work?
Living in the city I get so much more done than they do. I go out, go to parties (good ones) and just generally hang.
People dont do this in small towns! It's just outrageous. I probably couldn't live in boringborough or toowoomba.
No wonder no-one in this family understands my incessent need to move to London.

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