Wednesday 11 March 2009

P is for Pain and Pariah

Life's crap.
Don't think I'll amount to anything, or so I've been told.
Probs won't hey.
Who cares? Not me.

"Come on skinny love just last the year
Pour a little salt we were never here
My, my, my, my, my, my, my, my
Staring at the sink of blood and crushed veneer

I tell my love to wreck it all
Cut out all the ropes and let me fall
My, my, my, my, my, my, my, my
Right in the moment this order's tall

I told you to be patient
I told you to be fine
I told you to be balanced
I told you to be kind
In the morning I'll be with you
But it will be a different "kind"
I'll be holding all the tickets
And you'll be owning all the fines"

Wednesday 4 March 2009

L is for Love and Liability

So I thought that maybe since I haven't posted on this blog in about four months that I'd post again.
I've decided to start up this blog again, not that anyone reads it but it's a good way to let my feelings about random crap out on the world! Mwahahaha!

No but seriously though, I'm going to start being a blogger! Although I will now call this blog Karen instead of blog. I find Karen much more becoming than "Blog" don't you?

Anyway, I've just started grade 12 and can i just say IT IS TOTAL AND COMPLETE BULLS**T!!! My advice to children of the modern world is GET OUT, GET OUT NOW, AS SOON AS YOU CAN, BAIL THE HELL OUT AND NEVER LOOK BACK!
Seriously, how much pointless crap do they possibly want to drill into us before they release us totally unaware onto the world?! Do the schools honestly think that this generation will be epic just because we have to spend our last 6-month long year of highschool writing 2000 word assignments which are the same crap we had to write last year, just that last year we wrote it in 1000 words.
I personally think that who-ever is running the Education Department in this place is a little deranged to think that learning the same thing twice over two years will help anyone. Sigh.

In other news, Josh and I are starting to record our almost-music-but-not-quite-good-enough-to-be-anything on friday. Shall be exciting!

In conclusion,