Tuesday, 29 April 2008

Tick Tock

Today we spent the day at UQ
This just drove further into my mind how sick I am of school. The end is so close, yet so damn far. Why is it that we must waste so much of our lives at school when we could be out doing useful things.

Freedom is calling me with its sweet sweet voice and I just can't stop listening

Wednesday, 23 April 2008

What Dreams are Made of

Escaping my archetypal surroundings is what i aim for after school. Ayla and I were conversing about it the other day during school. Our words went in the way of something like this:

Ayla: man I so can't wait until we move to London
Me: yeah, we are gunna have THE best time. We'll be so poor
Ayla: ...what? Why will we be poor?
Me: well, all our money will be spent on clothes. We wont have any money left except for rent money.
Ayla: HAHAHA oh god, you're so right.
Me: yeah, our house will just be the crappiest cheapest apartment in Camden somewhere and all that will be in it is two beds, a set of drawers overflowing with clothes, a table and a dishwasher
Ayla: yeah and the rest of the place will just be clothes. When people come in it'll be like CLOTHES ATTACK
Me: most definately
Both of us: CUDDLES

Watch out London, here we come....in five years.


Friday, 11 April 2008

Round and Round it Goes

This is my version of what happened when the earth was created.

On the first day God said, let there be a ginormous round thing made of dirt and water that spins
On the second day God said, let there be an even more ginormous shiny thing that makes everything on the spinning thing light up
On the third day God said, let there be a whole bunch of tall brown wood things with green crap on them so stuff can breathe
On the fourth day God said, let there be some short furry things to crawl around on the earth and eat the tall brown woodish things
On the fifth day God said, let there be a few zillion scaly things that can breathe underwater so some randoms can snorkel and kick them
On the sixth day God said, let there be a tall fleshy thing with a long dangly so it can walk around eating the furry things and the scaly things
And on the seventh day God said, let there be another tall fleshy thing with two squishy things so that the other tall fleshy thing can practise his womanising skills

And that's how the world was made. Shocking, I know
